Why you need VAPT Services ?

To make sure your website is totally secure ,all the possibilities of security attacks must be rectified . To make your website attacks free vulnerability assessment and penetration testing are needed . There are two kinds of vulnerability testing - Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing. Both of them are necessary as they have different advantages .Their combined effect gives your web application the overall web security .We provide all these services to make sure your web application is secure and if in case it is not ,we will provide full details how to defend all attacks .

What is Vulnerability Assessment there for?

For starting Vulnerability testing at your web application we need url/ip/ssh access of your web application .Our tools and equipments notify us of the pre-existing defects in the system code. Any defects which are vulnerable to security attacks or hacking , the tests will determine them .Their identification includes , determining the kind of flaws and identifying the position where they occurs.

What is Penetration Testing ?

To determine candidness of the system you require penetration testing .It determines if one can access the system without authorization .It tries to accomplish vulnerability in the system and thus regulate un-authorized access situation . It works as a gullible tool that finds the dupable defects and their expected/unexpected severity

How these services helps you?

Websites are commonly vulnerable to code based or network based attacks. These vulnerabilities allows hackers to take over and control system components such as routers, firewalls, switches and servers and in worst cases, the website code. Even the simplest website need detailed pen-testing (VAPT testing), and is often forgotten by IT management.

A combination of Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) gives double affirmation on the competence to exploit the system. With a kind of system that determines the defects and tries to rectify them to achieve the expected security and to determine its capability in providing security ,you are assured that your data and information along with your system is safe.

Why you should consider our VAPT service

Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing provides you a detailed assessment and appraisal for the gullibility of the system. You get a complete comprehensive evaluation of the security risks to the application system .VAPT Service offer more than general security parts and hence enabling better stability from potential threats/risks.

Our security assessment approach is not confined to the company's application only but also the vulnerabilities that may occur due to third party applications . The possibility that vulnerabilities can be created from third party applications are as equal as from native application. So the approach to vulnerabilities that may come out of third party applications is also included in the methodology.

Continuous assessment and evaluation right from the beginning of development is a good part of testing approach .With this kind of approach you can verify the system as it is being developed. This way, you can correct the defects from the very beginning of when the application is being created. The security will be integrated within the code using this approach and reduces the price of re-evaluating and adjusting the code in the event vulnerability is detected after the system is complete. Patches and expensive fixes are thus avoided. We are also providing IT Security for Startups, VAPT services for Business, Web Application VAPT services, Server Pentesting services, WebApp Pentesting Services.

Why Website Pentest Is Essential?

There are various types of attacks which web servers and the application code of simple websites or web portals are vulnerable .Different attacks have different effects .In some attacks the hacker can only deface the pages while in other, which are more severe attacks ,the attacker can steal data and can malfunction website operations and processes .When website is of e-commerce type,the severe attacks are of more concern as the entire business depens on website and its data, contents, information .It is very important to understand that only firewalls and Layer-7 devices are not all to defends such security threats as they can never identify code level vulnerabilities .More on in case of mobile applications ,the most trendy feature that websites offer, demands for an end to end testing for total app security. It is pretty clear that it is in all what we require -A detailed website VAPT along with code security review ,this is what is highly recommended.

Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability assessment is the technique of analyzing ,arranging, computing all the vulnerabilities present in a system .A consistent and regulated methodology for scoping ,planning ,achieving ,informing & reporting ,managing security and vulnerability assessment is provided by penetration testing .We offer detailed reporting system along with the quick support system with all the explanations regarding all of the security risks and issues in your servers or applications .Our experts conduct regular assessments of routers ,security devices in detail to determine the extent of threat from external attackers using different required vulnerability assessment tools and manual assessment techniques .

The service includes:
  • Server Security Evaluation
  • Web Application Security Evaluation
  • Wireless Security Assessments
  • VoIP Security Assessment
  • Assessment of potential vulnerabilities leading to the theft or destruction of databases (SQLi / BlindSQLi )
  • Detailed Report with explanation of vulnerabilities found in your servers, operating system, and server applications with all recommended steps to reduce the risk of remote access

Manual and automated testings are used simultaneously at our end for identifying all types of security threats and risks that may occur in the web application . Manual testing plays an important role in deep appreciation and acknowledgement of the potential problems .Automated testing are good at finding small and easily solvable problems .Diagnosing web application and determining potential risks are part of our routine process .Our methodology helps us in detail understanding of software programming, configurations and protocols etc .So it is well seen in our assessments and testings.

Our methods include:
  • Fuzzing
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Protocol Analysis
  • Data Injection
  • Session Manipulation
  • Flow Analysis
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